My town kinda blows....
I've had the opportunity to live all over the place; other countries, different states here in the US etc., but for whatever reason I always end up back here. Over the years this sleepy little piece of Hometown America has slowly, inexorably dwindled. That's the best way I can think of to put it. When we moved here (the first time) this was a pretty little Norman Rockwell picture of small town life. Main street really was the main street, high-school football was a big deal and on any given Saturday evening, one could wander into the drug store, sit on a stool in front of a 1920's Formica bar and order a milkshake.
Now mainstreet is threadbare, more shops are closed than open, mainly because there's a Wallfart mega store opened up just down the road. As well, over 50% of the businesses here have signage in Spanish and you don't speak the language, you're a jerk and you're not gonna get service. It's no longer safe for an attractive woman to walk around the block after dark. The cops here would rather write a parking ticket or beat a retard to death than actually stop crime. Oh they'll get all fired up if it's a big one that might get media attention but that's about it.
But even worse than that? No fucking fireworks on the 4th.
Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or leave the country.
~Theodore Roosevelt
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